[C++-sig] Another bug in pyplusplus

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Mon Jun 19 02:34:39 CEST 2006

On 18 Jun 2006 at 20:57, Roman Yakovenko wrote:

> There is a solution. You can generate all code that uses DEFINEMAKECARRAYITER
> in some header file and then to include it.

I was even thinking of just generating the header file from within 
the python script.

> I have another solution, but I don't have time to implement it or even check:
> pyplusplus can divide every generated cpp file to sections:
> 1. include
> 2. space
> 3. wrapper
> 4. space
> 5. class
> Then, pyplusplus can define next class:
> class on_cpp_file_write_i:
>     def on_include( self, declaration ):
>      ...
>     def on_first_space
>     def on_wrapper
>     def on_second space
>     def on_class
> Every function return some text or None. In case method returns None
> pyplusplus will write the code it have to write. In case method returns some
> text, this text will be written instead.
> Thoughts?

Looks reasonable.


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