[C++-sig] help passing image data

J.D. Yamokoski yamokosk at ufl.edu
Wed May 24 21:03:21 CEST 2006

> [Nat] Try moving the class_() call inside your BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE body?
>>    class_< Values >("Values")
>>		.def( "get_a", &Values::GetA )
>>		.def( "get_b", &Values::GetB )
>>		.def( "set_a", &Values::SetA )
>>		.def( "set_b", &Values::SetB );

Ok I have done that and gotten rid of creating a global boost::python 
object of type Values. I have also modified my code to copy what I found 


However, now I am running into a runtime problem. Instead of posting all 
the code here, I have included the important files with the email. 
Essentially, I have a class which wraps much of the code that was posted 
in the above link email. And I have only made slight modifications to it 
to fit my needs. The code seems to crash at PyImport_ImportModule():

handle<> CPythonDLL::importModule(std::string module_name)
	PyObject *module_ptr =
	if( module_ptr == NULL) {
		python_exception exc = getExceptionDetail();
	return handle<>(module_ptr);

That is bothersome, but then I have a try block wrapped around the 
calling of importModule():

// Import the module, storing the pointer in a handle<>
try {
	module = importModule(scriptName);
} catch (...) {
	python_exception exc = getExceptionDetail();

The exception is caught and getExceptionDetail() is called. But then 
within that function, the code throws another exception at PyErr_Occured():

python_exception CPythonDLL::getExceptionDetail()
	std::string errmsg("");
	int nIsInit = Py_IsInitialized();

	if (!nIsInit) {
		errmsg = "Python not initialized!";
		return python_exception( errmsg );

	// Extra paranoia...
	if (!PyErr_Occurred()) {
		errmsg = "Not a python error!";
		return python_exception( errmsg );

	PyObject*   exc_type;
	PyObject*   exc_value;
     	PyObject*   exc_traceback;
	PyObject*   pystring;

	PyErr_Fetch(&exc_type, &exc_value, &exc_traceback);

	// Rest let out for brevity

I don't know if it helps explain anything, but in the directory that my 
"myscript.py" file is stored, a "myscript.pyc" file is created everytime 
I run the program. I assume this has something to do with 

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