[C++-sig] Type conversion problem -- simplified
Randall Hopper
viznut at charter.net
Sun Nov 5 16:44:24 CET 2006
David Abrahams:
|Randall Hopper <viznut at charter.net> writes:
|> The puzzling thing about all this is, when I create an osg.Vec3Array inside
|> of Python, then I can call methods (such as __getitem__, set, etc.) on that
|> Vec3Array from inside Python with no problem.
|> But if I obtain a reference to a Vec3Array (e.g. returned from that
|> Geometry::getVertexArray() API above) which was generated internal to
|> OpenSceneGraph), then I get the error message I mentioned previously.
|When you pass both kinds of Python Vec3Array object to type(), do you
|see the same thing in both cases?
<class 'PyOSG.osg.Vec3Array'>
|> This makes me thing something isn't being correctly done inside that
|> "manage_osg_object" return policy, but I have no clue what that is
|> yet.
|What is the return type of get_pointer(x) where x is an
(T *). Here's the relevent code:
namespace osg {
template<class T> inline T * get_pointer(osg::ref_ptr<T> const & p)
return const_cast<T *>(p.get());
By the way, all efforts so far to trim down the code have been too sweeping
to keep the problem. So I'm still binary searching to get even get a small
test program.
I wish I had some understanding of what the problem is so I could focus my
efforts. Could you give me your perception of what it is?
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