[C++-sig] boost::python + epydoc

Stefan Seefeld seefeld at sympatico.ca
Thu Nov 16 14:45:42 CET 2006


can you try to generate a minimal test case please ?

I'v just tried this tiny module:

#include <boost/python.hpp>

namespace bpl = boost::python;

void function() {}

  bpl::def ("function", function,
            "correlate an input against reference coeff.\n"
            "@param in: input.\n"
            "@type in: vector_Complex\n"
            "@param coef: reference pattern\n"
            "@type coef: vector_Complex\n"
            "@param size: size of the output desired\n"
            "@type size: int\n"
            "@param stride: stride for input (def=1)\n"
            "@type stride: int\n"


and 'epydoc bpl_epydoc.so' works just fine (with epydoc 3.0a2).

Am I missing something ?



      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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