[C++-sig] Antwort: Re: Wrapping a base class' method

bernhard.maeder at zkb.ch bernhard.maeder at zkb.ch
Tue Nov 28 11:08:46 CET 2006

> Write a thin wrapper and .add_property that, e.g. (untested)
> int get_base_i_directly(my_class const& self) { return self.get_base_i();
> ...
> .add_property("basei", make_function(get_base_i_directly))
> This way Boost.Python only "sees" my_class in the signature.

Yes, thanks, that works.

What puzzles me, is that the same works for return-by-value wrappings. I
don't quite get why that's something different to boost.python. Is there an
easy explanation or am I just missing the obvious?




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