[C++-sig] Calling member function of object created in C++ via embedded Python

Ron Brown, Jr. rbrown at gamry.com
Thu Apr 12 23:01:01 CEST 2007

Please forgive me if this is a ridiculously simple question, but I'm new 
to both Python and Boost.Python, and I'm having hard time getting my 

Essentially, I have a C++ application with Python embedded via 
Boost.Python.  I have a class which I instantiate on the C++ side.  This 
class is also exposed to Python via a BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE.

Now normally (at least according to any examples I've found), you would 
expose that class to Python, and instantiate that class on the Python 
side.  But as this is an embedded Python application, I'd like to 
instantiate the object on the C++ side, and somehow be able to call that 
object's member functions from Python.

Is this possible, and if so, how would one go about doing it?

I'll try and explain using a modified version of the example from 



#include <boost/python.hpp>
using namespace boost::python;

class World
     void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
     std::string greet() { return msg; }
     std::string msg;

         .def("greet", &World::greet)
         .def("set", &World::set)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])


	World worldObject;
	worldObject.set("Hello, World!");

	try {
		PyRun_SimpleString("import hello");

		// ********************
		// How would I call the equivalent of:
		// worldObject.greet();
		// from Python?
		// ********************

	} catch (error_already_set) {
     return 0;


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