[C++-sig] Need strategic advice designing Boost/Python program

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 05:01:32 CEST 2007

> As a fairly new boost.python user, I would like some expert advice on
> which strategy to use in using Boost and Python, so that I don't go
> down a dead end.  A clean interface is more important to me than
> efficiency.

I think you can have both. Only the implementations tendy to
become dirty if you go for speed.

> I am writing a numerical solver.  I want most of the code to be in
> Python for ease of development.  However, I want to implement some
> objects in C++ for speed, because they use iterative solution methods.

This is exactly our situation. You may want to look at the
"scitbx", which is a library for a bigger project (cctbx.sf.net).
It is built from day one on top of Boost.Python. There is a little
bit of an introduction here:


The backbone of our system is the array family, with the most important
types being reference-counted C++ arrays (af::shared, af::versa):


The pages are a bit rough and slightly out of date. You can get
standalone scitbx bundles here:


They come with and without Python included and have no external
dependencies (other than an OS and a C++ compiler).

Ask questions here or at:


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