[C++-sig] Py++: Derived class and class templates

Luca Sbardella luca.sbardella at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 19:09:57 CEST 2007

I just started testing Py++ and excuse me if questions are trivial.

i) First question. I have the following class

class timegrid: public dataserie<double>  {
        timegrid() {}
        timegrid(double T1, double T2, long partitions)
        void init(double T1, double T2, long partitions);

which derives from the class template "dataserie".
When I run Py++ (from the gui) I obtain a wrapper class which only include
the timegrid methods (in this case the constructors) and no sign of methods
derived from the template (and there are quite a lot)!!!!

ii) Second question. Running Py++ on a template produce nothing (I guess it
make sense). Is there something I'm missing?

Thank you.
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