[C++-sig] Py++: ArgumentError during calling a function of base clas

Anand, Kumar kanand at qualcomm.com
Fri Jul 20 02:46:06 CEST 2007


I have been getting errors like this: Any idea why this is happening and
how to debug it further? 'evTest' is a class that definitely derives
from OMEvent and the relationship has been exposed to Python as well: 

ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    getSynchronous(OMEvent {lvalue})

The complete code is as follows:
C++ code:

//abstract class. all functions are pure virtual
class IOxfEvent {
  virtual bool getSynchronous() const=0;

//abstract class. all functions are pure virtual
class IOxfTimeout : public IOxfEvent  {
  //other pure virtual functions

//concrete class but an object of this class is never created.
//provides default implementation of the interfaces listed above
class OMEvent : public IOxfTimeout {
 bool getSynchronous() const;

//final concrete class
class evTest : public OMEvent {
Boost Python bindings:

  bp::class_< IOxfEvent, std::auto_ptr<IOxfEvent>, boost::noncopyable >(
"IOxfEvent", bp::no_init )
        .def("getId", &IOxfEvent::getId)
        .def("isTypeOf", &IOxfEvent::isTypeOf);

    typedef bp::class_< IOxfTimeout, bp::bases< IOxfEvent >,
std::auto_ptr<IOxfTimeout> , boost::noncopyable > IOxfTimeout_exposer_t;
    IOxfTimeout_exposer_t IOxfTimeout_exposer = IOxfTimeout_exposer_t(
"IOxfTimeout", bp::no_init );
    IOxfTimeout_exposer.def("getDelayTime", &IOxfTimeout::getDelayTime);

    bp::class_< OMEvent, bp::bases< IOxfTimeout >,
std::auto_ptr<OMEvent> >( "OMEvent", bp::init< bp::optional< short int,
IOxfReactive * > >(( bp::arg("eventId")=(short int)(0),
bp::arg("dest")=bp::object() )) )
        .def("getSynchronous", &OMEvent::getSynchronous);

   //evTest is exposed to python using Py++. I am pasting only the
relevant code.
   struct evTest_wrapper : evTest, bp::wrapper< evTest > {

       typedef bp::class_< evTest_wrapper, bp::bases< OMEvent >,
std::auto_ptr<evTest> > evTest_exposer_t;


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