[C++-sig] using boost.python with boost-build v2

Fred Jendrzejewski fred.jen at web.de
Fri Jun 1 14:55:08 CEST 2007

if i want to built the hello.cpp example from the tutorial i get the
warning, that it is impossible to find a Jamfile or a project-jam.root.

Because all the problems seems to be a lil bit strange, i will describe
my configuration as good as possible:

the boost-built directory is: /usr/share/boost-build and in the tools/
directory there is no build sub-directory

the bjam is in : /usr/bin

i have python2.5
bjam --version gives me:
Boost.Build V2 (Milestone 11)
Boost.Jam 03.1.13

the directory where i copied the hello.cpp, Jamrules, the Jamfile and
the boost-build.jam is ~/Boost

the hello.cpp is like before.

the Jamfile is that:
project hello 
        : requirements <library>/boost/python//boost_python
        : build_dir     ~/Boost/ ;

python-extension hello: hello.cpp ;

the jamrules:
path-global BOOST_ROOT : /usr/include/ ;
project boost : $(BOOST_ROOT) ;

the boost-build.jam:
boost-build /usr/share/boost-build/tools ;

the user-config.jam are copied in the ~/ and there you can find:
import toolset : using ;
using gcc ;
using python : 2.5 ;

Properbly i am overlooking something, but i found no solution until now.

Knid Regards,
Fred Jendrzejewski

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