[C++-sig] Py++ and 'using' declarations

Pertti Kellomäki pk at cs.tut.fi
Tue Jun 19 11:16:46 CEST 2007

Is there a way in Py++ to deal with overloaded member functions
introduced by 'using' declarations?

For example, for the following declarations, Py++ creates
the code below.

class B {
     void f();

class D : public B {
     void f(int i);
     using B::f;
// This file has been generated by Py++.
#include "boost/python.hpp"
#include "killme.hh"
namespace bp = boost::python;

     bp::class_< B >( "B" )
         .def("f", &::B::f );
     bp::class_< D, bp::bases< B > >( "D" )
         .def("f", &::D::f, ( bp::arg("i") ) );

Compiling this with g++ results in an "unresolved overloaded
function type" error, because g++ cannot choose between
D::f() and D::f(int).

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