[C++-sig] Problem injecting Python __init__ into wrapped C++ class

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Wed May 2 02:04:37 CEST 2007

> I have been able to get this to work for ordinary methods, but I would

> like to define an __init__ method in Python for a wrapped C++ class.  I
> have created a test case, following the methods in the Tutorial, that
> demonstrates the runtime error that results when I try this.

I'm doing it with a Python wrapper function for the constructor, e.g. sticking to my

histogram example (although the following is completely made up):

def histogram(a, b, c):

  if (c is None):

     return ext.histogram(a, b)

  return ext.histogram(a, b, c)

The disadvantage is that help(histogram) only reports the function, not the entire class

(in all our modules histogram is ext.histogram until overridden somehow).

I don't really like this solution, but I'm having difficulties imagining something more slick.


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