[C++-sig] Moving "decorator" into C++ part of module

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Mon May 21 21:11:43 CEST 2007

Albert Strasheim wrote:

> Hello
> On Mon, 21 May 2007, Neal Becker wrote:
>> This looks very good so far.  I see there is c++ ublas -> python numpy
>> conversion.
> With a few more templates and whatnot one can take care of things
> figuring out that for a matrix<int> the typecode should be 'i', etc. For
> now I'm just focusing on getting double working. But soon...
>> Have you tried the other direction?  python numpy -> c++ ublas?
> I'm trying to sort this out now. Here there are a few more
> complications:
> 1. Some array adaptor complications (nothing too major) to make a uBLAS
> matrix use the array's data without a copy
> 2. Conversion of NumPy array arguments to uBLAS
> I'm currently stuck here. I was hoping to do something like:
> template <
>     class T,
>     std::size_t arg,
>     class BasePolicy_ = py::default_call_policies
> struct convert_array : BasePolicy_
> {
>     BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(arg > 0);
>     template <class ArgumentPackage>
>     static bool precall(ArgumentPackage const& args_)
>     {
>         unsigned int arity_ = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args_);
>         if (arg > arity_) {
>             PyErr_SetString(
>                 PyExc_IndexError,
>                 "convert_array: argument index out of range");
>             return false;
>         }
>         PyObject* obj = PyTuple_GetItem(args_, arg);
>         if (obj == NULL) {
>             return false;
>         }
>         if (!PyArray_Check(obj)) {
>             PyErr_SetString(
>                 PyExc_TypeError,
>                 "convert_array: ndarray argument expected");
>             return NULL;
>         }
>         // XXX magic happens here see below
>         return BasePolicy_::precall(args_);
>     }
> };
> What I wanted to attempt at XXX is to create an instance of a uBLAS
> vector/matrix/whatever inside its associated PyObject, with the
> uBLAS matrix using the memory of the NumPy array. I was hoping I could
> then do a little bait and switch on the tuple item to put this new
> uBLAS-PyObject-using-a-Numpy-array into the arguments before the
> function gets called.
> You could then wrap the method something like this:
> py::class_<array_test, boost::noncopyable>("array_test")
>         .def("pointer_arg",
>              &array_test::pointer_arg,
>              convert_array<matrix<float>, 1>())
> Unfortunately, it seems checking of argument types happens before the
> the convert_array precall (not much of a *pre*call is it? ;-)), so this
> trick doesn't work (you get an ArgumentError).
> Any ideas would help at this point. :-)

Mostly I'd be interested in the following.  My use case is I have lots of
c++ algorithms written for ublas interface (or maybe a more generic
superset of that).  I want to use them from python.  I want to call them
with numpy arrays.

Someone has to convert the numpy array to a ublas interface, then call the
c++ algorithm, and maybe convert the ublas object back to numpy to python.  

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