[C++-sig] Strange problem with boost::python::scope

Lloyd Weehuizen lloyd at fusion.net.nz
Mon Sep 3 03:21:58 CEST 2007

Hi There

I've run into an issue with the scope object that I don't understand.

I'm trying to defined class Y under class X similar to the scoping  
examples as follows:

// No code, just a place holder class for scoping
class ElementNamespace {};

// Class with implementation
class DataGrid


python::scope element_scope( python::class_< ElementNamespace,  
boost::noncopyable >( "element", python::no_init ) );

python::class_< DataGrid, ElementWrapper< DataGrid >,  
boost::noncopyable, python::bases< Element > >("DataGrid",  
python::init< const char* >())

I then try to inherit from DataGrid in python code as follows:

class CustomDataGrid(testmodule.element.DataGrid):
     def __init__(self, tag):
         testmodule.element.DataGrid.__init__(self, tag)

And I get the following error:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\projects\testmodule\datagrid.py", line 6, in __init__
   testmodule.element.DataGrid.__init__(self, tag)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DataGrid'

Strangely enough the CustomDataGrid class inheritance finds the  
object correctly, but calling the base  initializer fails.

Any ideas?


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