[C++-sig] Problems splitting up a library

Pertti Kellomäki pertti.kellomaki at tut.fi
Fri Sep 14 17:22:48 CEST 2007

I am exposing a largish library using Py++ and Boost.Python, and I'm 
running into a bit of a problem when I try to expose it in manageable 
parts. I've tried to condense the problem below.

One module contains class NIT:

class NIT : public IT {
     static NIT& instance();

which is exposed by Py++ as follows:

struct NIT_wrapper : TT::NIT, bp::wrapper< TT::NIT > {

     bp::class_< NIT_wrapper,
                 bp::bases< TT::IT >,
                 boost::noncopyable >
     ( "NIT", bp::no_init )
             , (::TT::NIT & (*)(  ))
                  ( &::TT::NIT::instance )
             , bp::return_value_policy< bp::reference_existing_object 
 >() )
         .staticmethod( "instance" );

In another module, there is a member function that uses NIT as a default 

class I {
     I(const TT::IT& iT = TT::NIT::instance());

This is exposed by Py++ as follows:

     bp::class_< TTAProgram::I,
                 boost::noncopyable >
          ( "I",
            bp::init< bp::optional< TT::IT const & > >
                 (( bp::arg("iT")
                     =TT::NIT::instance( ) )) )

Importing the "mach" Python extension as

	import TCE.base.mach

succeeds, but

	import TCE.base.program

results in the error message

	Traceback (most recent call last):
	  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
	TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found
	for C++ type: TTAMachine::NullInstructionTemplate

If I remove the default value from the signature, the problem 
disappears. Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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