[C++-sig] bjam is not working for me

etrek etrek at cox.net
Wed Apr 16 09:40:07 CEST 2008

I cannot get the bjam command to create .pyd files or the boost_python.dll.

I have MSVStudio 2005:  MSVC 8.0 ,  Windows Vista32 
I have Python25.  Path to python is:  C:\Python25
I installed Boost Library (BoostPro_1.34.1_Installer) from: http://www.boost-consulting.com/products/free
This installation made it so that I did not have to "Build" the Boost libraries, unless I missunderstood the installation.
Boost path:  C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_34_1

I am trying to do the Boost.Python tutorial and quickstart by following the directions on these webpages:

I put a user-config.jam file in my root directory.
I set me environment variables PYTHON_ROOT and PYTHON_VERSION 

I cannot get bjam to work.   No matter what I try.   It updated targets and tests passed for ../examples/quickstart and created the bin folder, but the folder contained NO .pyd files or the boost_python.dll

I ran bjam on the ../libs/python/tests folder.  It said it was updating over 700+ targets and tests were reporting as passed.  However, it did not create a bin folder or any .pyd files.

I cannot get it to work at all with the ../example/tutorial folder.
Here is the Jamroot file that came with the installation for the example/tutorial folder:
# Copywrite David Abrahams 2006,,,etc.
use-project boost
  : ../../../.. ;

  : requirements <library>/boost/python/boost_python ;

python-extension hello : hello.cpp ;
# end of Jamroot

This Jamroot does not work.  I keep getting this error:  No best alternative for python-for-extensions.
there is another minimalist Jamfile example in the help files. it does not work either.

Can someone help me create a Jamfile that will work.  Or if my environment is incorrect help me set it up.


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