[C++-sig] Py++ and inner template classes
Pertti Kellomäki
pertti.kellomaki at tut.fi
Wed Apr 30 10:06:26 CEST 2008
Roman Yakovenko wrote:
> You can create another header file and instantiate the class in it.
> Then you can pass it to Py++. Take a look on this page:
> http://www.language-binding.net/pyplusplus/documentation/how_to/best_practices.html
Not directly related to the inner class issue, but maybe I am
not understanding something on the page correctly. It says:
"Create one header file, which will include all project header files."
However, when I do this, I do not get bindings for the project
headers. I've attached a sample of files to show how I attempt
to do it. Or do you mean that one should create one big header
file by copying the contents of the headers into one file? That
certainly works. I'm just not sure which one is meant by the page.
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