[C++-sig] [py++] Problem: empty xml file created

Marcus Lindblom macke at yar.nu
Tue Dec 2 09:46:21 CET 2008

Hi all,

I'm trying to get OpenSG's python-bindings to work on Windows (and 
contruibuting that back to the project), and trying to track down an 
exception that get's thrown when running it's gen_bindings.py. (see 
attached log.txt for output)

The source for gen_bindings.py is here, for reference:


 From what I can see, the exception is thrown, as can be seen, in 
read_gccxml_file in pygccxml/parser/source_reader.py. The generation of 
the temp xml file (self.create_xml_file( ffname )) creates an empty 
file, which then gets a syntax error when read back.

As I'm rather new to py++ (being old on c++ and average on python) I 
don't really know where to look when hunting for this bug.

The PyOpenSG-devs have only used linux, and have maybe seen this before, 
earlier, but can't recall what and when. They also have used a earlier 
py++-version, but I'm using 1.0. I might be shooting myself in the foot 
with that, but I hope not.

All help gratefully recieved. :)

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