[C++-sig] Proposal to improve Python exception handling in Boost.Python

Frank Benkstein benkstein at langer-emv.de
Fri Jun 20 09:42:02 CEST 2008


David Abrahams wrote:
> on Thu Jun 19 2008, Frank Benkstein <benkstein-AT-langer-emv.de> wrote:
>> <code>
>> using namespace boost::python;
>> try {
>>   object value = some_dict["key"];
>>   ...
>> } catch (exceptions::key_error &e) {
>>   BOOST_ASSERT(e.args() == make_tuple("key"));
>>   // Do actual exception handling
>>   ...
>> } catch (exceptions::base_exception &e) {
>>   std::cerr << e.traceback << std::flush;
>>   std::cerr << e << e.flush;
>> }
>> </code>
>> Those exceptions could be automatically translated back to the original
>> Python exceptions and the traceback restored (using PyErr_Restore).
> Also good... but what is restoring the traceback for?  Doesn't the
> traceback that's already there work?

I forgot to mention the main API difference between error_already_set
and this new approach:  error_already_set is just a signal that the
Python error indicator (exception type, value and the traceback) is set.
In this approach I would fetch those three objects and clear the
indicator.  The reason for this is that if you wrap
Py_Initialize/Py_Finalize in a RAII-Style class an exception might cause
Py_Finalize to be called.  Py_Finalize will terminate the application
with a fatal error (calling abort()) if the error indicator is set.
Also if you get another Python exception while already handling one you
might want to be able to decide which one to rethrow.  If you don't save
the original traceback it is lost when the second exception is raised.

>> If you (the Boost.Python developers) agree to this proposal I would
>> like to submit patches implementing the mentioned functionality
>> through the following steps:
>> 1. Convert all sites throwing error_already_set or calling
>>    throw_error_already_set to calls to handle_python_exception.
>>    handle_python_exception would just call throw_error_already_set
>>    itself.
> We probably ought to package up this little gem, which is a little
> bigger than throw_error_already_set, into a single function in the
> library:
>     if (PyErr_Occurred())
>         throw_error_already_set();

I don't understead, what you mean.  My plan was to ensure that
error_already_set is only thrown through a single function that we have
control over.  This function can later decide what to do:  throw
error_already_set or handle the exception in a Boost.Python specific

>> 2. Provide a registry for functions to be called when a specific Python
>>    exception is encountered.  
>>    These functions get called with three
>>    boost::python::object arguments, the exception type, value and the
>>    traceback object when an exception is detected by
>>    handle_python_exception.  As a fallback if no matching function is
>>    found error_already_set would still be thrown.
>> 3. Provide a new namespace boost::python::exceptions with C++ exceptions
>>    that correspond to the Python standard exceptions[1] including
>>    inheritance.  
> Good... but boost::python::exceptions::Exception should be derived from
> error_already_set for backward compatibility.  Or maybe just
>         typedef exceptions::Exception error_already_set;

To reiterate:

 - If you catch error_already_set the error indicator is set, it is not
   safe to call Py_Finalize().
 - If you catch exceptions::Exception the error indicator is not set, it
   is safe to call Py_Finalize().

>>    Each class should have a static boost::python::object
>>    member "mapped_type" wrapping the Python type object.  
> How about "python_type?"

I don't care that much about the name.  mapped_type was just to make it
clear that this is the member that is used to find the C++ exception
class belonging to a Python exception class.  Also it is just the base
type because the actual exception can be a subclass.

I imagine the following procedure:

1. Register all your C++-mapped-exception classes in a sorted map or
   list somewhere in Boost.Python.  When looking at the "mapped_type"
   member It is ensured that the subclasses come before their bases.
2. Whenever a Python exception is detected by Boost.Python (through a
   call to handle_python_exception) go through the map or list and throw
   the first C++ exception that matches.

mapped_type would act as some kind of key in the map when storing the
C++ exception.  The actual Python exception type would act as the key
when retrieving the C++ class.

>>    And instance members "type", "value" and "traceback" so it can be
>>    set or restored as the Python error indicator using PyErr_Restore
>>    or PyErr_SetObject if the traceback is None.
> Do you really need to store the type in each instance?  Oh, maybe you
> do; it could end up being a python exception derived from one of the
> standard exceptions.  Then what's "mapped_type" (a.k.a. "python_type")
> for?
>> 4. Register all exceptions from 3. with the mechanism from 2.  Remove
>>    the fallback throwing error_already_set from handle_python_exception
>>    because base_exception would match all unknown exceptions.
> Why do we want "base_exception," and why have the fallback if you're
> just going to remove it?

The four steps were meant to be incremental improvements (patches) so
that Boost.Python stays functional between each step.  I though that
this would make reviewing easier.

>>    Provide a runtime switch that would make handle_python_exception
>>    either use either the registry from 2. or just throw
>>    error_already_set.  This is necessary to be compatible to code that
>>    is depending on error_already_set.  

Code that handles error_already_set will probably expect that the Python
error indicator is still set hence the neccessity for a switch.

>>    I think it is safe to assume that this switch is guarded by the GIL
>>    and therefore thread safe.
>> As you have probably noticed 3. and 4. will only work with Python >=
>> 2.5.  
> No, I didn't.  Why do you say that?

I think I was a little confused about PEP 352 (Required Superclass for
Exceptions) that was first implemented in Python 2.5.  I thought that
this made all exceptions instances of BaseExceptions.  Unfortunately
that is only the case for new-style classes and old-style classes and
string exceptions will still have to be handled separately.  With these
special cases in place it should work with earlier Python versions, too.

Best regards,
Frank Benkstein.

Frank Benkstein

Software Development

Tel.: +49(0) 351 430093-27
Fax : +49(0) 351 430093-22

mailto:benkstein at langer-emv.de

Langer EMV-Technik GmbH
D-01728 Bannewitz
Nöthnitzer Hang 31

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Dresden, HRB 15402
Geschäftsführer: Gunter Langer


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