[C++-sig] Retrieving lvalues using custom converters (numpy 1-D converters attached)
lists_ravi at lavabit.com
Fri Oct 3 17:05:00 CEST 2008
On Thursday 02 October 2008 20:03:58 Neal Becker wrote:
> ublas::vector<double> create (int size, double init) {
> return ublas::vector<double> (size, init);
> }
> With default return value policy, this fails. We used:
> register_vector_to_python_converters< false, contiguous_vector_to_py,
> default_ublas_array_traits>();
> Which does _not_ copy the data and uses PyArray_SimpleNewFromData. The
> data is immediately destroyed and the array returned to python is garbage.
You are right; I was wrong in my previous reply. I need the help of a
boost.python expert to tell me what to do in this case. For the default return
value policy, we end up in registry_to_python_value<T>::operator(), but the
last line of that function is never called. Why this is, I have been unable to
figure out.
> It would be nice if the function could return a shared_ptr, which python
> would manage. This doesn't seem to work:
> boost::shared_ptr<ublas::vector<double> > create (int size, double init) {
> boost::shared_ptr<ublas::vector<double> > u (new ublas::vector<double>
> (size, init)); return u;
> }
This, too, remains a puzzle to me. Do shared_ptr conversions not work for
objects with custom to_python converters?
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