[C++-sig] indexing suite and py++
Michał Nowotka
mmmnow at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 13:24:56 CEST 2009
I want to expose following classes:
class A
A(int a, int b)
int a_;
int b_;
int compute(){return a_ + b_;}
class C : public A
C(int a, int b)
struct TypeExposer // I have to add this class, otherwise Py++ won't
expose std::deque<C> - why?
typedef std::deque<C> CDeque;
CDeque deq;
class F : public std::deque<C>
int dlugosc() {return this->size();}
In order to expose I use Py++ with indexing_suite_version = 2
parameter. Py++ generates code for boost.python without any warnings
and generated code compiles well.
But then in python I get TypeError:
import test
c = test.C(2,3)
f = test.F()
this causes:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: No to_python (by-value) converter found for C++ type: C
When class C is base class everything works well. What should I change
to get this code working with derived classes?
And another problem - why do I have to define TypeExposer class? Now i
must define it because otherwise Py++ won't expose std::deque<C>. But
IMO it should notice that F dirives from std::deque<C> so
std::deque<C> must be exposed...
Below I paste Py++ and Py++-generated code:
import os
from pyplusplus import module_builder
from pygccxml import utils
from pygccxml.declarations import matchers
from pyplusplus.module_builder import call_policies
mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [r"test.h"]
gccxml_path=r"./bin_gccxml/gccxml --gccxml-compiler gcc-4.3"
, working_directory=r"."
, include_paths=['.']
, define_symbols=[]
, indexing_suite_version = 2)
mb.build_code_creator( module_name='test' )
mb.code_creator.precompiled_header = 'boost/python.hpp'
mb.write_module( 'test.cpp' )
// This file has been generated by Py++.
#include "boost/python.hpp"
#include "indexing_suite/value_traits.hpp"
#include "indexing_suite/container_suite.hpp"
#include "indexing_suite/deque.hpp"
#include "test.h"
namespace bp = boost::python;
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace indexing {
struct value_traits< C >{
static bool const equality_comparable = false;
static bool const less_than_comparable = false;
template<typename PythonClass, typename Policy>
static void visit_container_class(PythonClass &, Policy const &){
}/*indexing*/ } /*python*/ } /*boost*/
{ //::std::deque< C >
typedef bp::class_< std::deque< C > > CDeque_exposer_t;
CDeque_exposer_t CDeque_exposer = CDeque_exposer_t( "CDeque" );
bp::scope CDeque_scope( CDeque_exposer );
CDeque_exposer.def( bp::indexing::deque_suite< std::deque< C > >() );
bp::class_< A >( "A", bp::init< int, int >(( bp::arg("a"),
bp::arg("b") )) )
, (int ( ::A::* )( ) )( &::A::compute ) )
.def_readwrite( "a_", &A::a_ )
.def_readwrite( "b_", &A::b_ );
bp::class_< C, bp::bases< A >, boost::noncopyable >( "C",
bp::init< int, int >(( bp::arg("a"), bp::arg("b") )) );
bp::class_< F, bp::bases< std::deque< C > >, boost::noncopyable >(
"F", bp::init< >() )
, (int ( ::F::* )( ) )( &::F::dlugosc ) );
bp::class_< TypeExposer, boost::noncopyable >( "TypeExposer",
bp::no_init )
.def_readwrite( "deq", &TypeExposer::deq );
Michał Nowotka
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