[C++-sig] Protected virtual Functions with default implementation

Renato Araujo renatox at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 18:50:35 CET 2009

Hi Roman

The problem is that: How export this class?

namespace geometry{

class point_t
    point_t() {};

    virtual bool ret_bool() { return false; }

class point_2 : public point_t
    point_2() {};

I put attached the Py++ genereted code and a small test.
My  question is, how export this protected virtual function? the way
used in Py++ not work in this case.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Roman Yakovenko
<roman.yakovenko at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/3/19 Renato Araujo <renatox at gmail.com>:
>> Hi guys, I'm working again in my bindings generation and I get a new
>> question about virtual functions.
>> I would like to know how export protected virtual functions with
>> default implementation, because I didn't find any documentation about
>> this and the code generated by Py++ not work in all cases.
>> I have attached the test case on this e-mail, if someone would like to
>> try my implementation.
> Do you mind to be more specific?
> Can you show the original source code, the generated one and the
> "right\desired" one?
> Thanks
> --
> Roman Yakovenko
> C++ Python language binding
> http://www.language-binding.net/
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Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
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