[C++-sig] Boost.Python & OpenSceneGraph

R Fritz rfritz at u.washington.edu
Wed Sep 9 22:34:28 CEST 2009


I wish you and your work well, but I don't see how I can do this.   
NodeCallback and NodeVisitor are exactly where I ran into problems  
with osgswig--they are important, and hard to get right.   As with  
osgswig, I'd be testing your bindings, rather than concentrating on my  
thesis work.  I'm sorry, but no.


On Sep 8, 2009, at 12:56 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:

> Hi Randolph,
>> I am working on an OpenSceneGraph/Python project and have had to  
>> abandon the OSG/SWIG tools--they are not developed enough for my  
>> purpose.  So I am planning on writing special purpose code to that  
>> end.  Does anyone have suggestions for someone starting out on this  
>> path?
> Heh, if you can wait a bit, I just put my own boost.python bindings  
> for OSG on the web (today, actually) :
> http://code.google.com/p/osgboostpython/
> They're not complete and I'm struggling with slicing problems in  
> NodeCallback and NodeVisitor derived in python code, but it's  
> promising. In their current state I can create node hierarchies,  
> geometry, vertex/normal/texcoord/color arrays, assign textures, do  
> some basic state manipulation (rendering hint etc.) and run a  
> viewer. See the *.py files in test/** , most of what the wrappers  
> can do is tested there.
> And if you want to help, you're welcome to do so :-)
> J-S

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