[C++-sig] Loosing real python type in Python extend class

Alexandre Hamez alexandre.hamez at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 17:01:44 CET 2010


If I have a (pure virtual) class foo that I expose in order to be extended in Python:
> struct foo_wrap
> 	: public foo
> 	, public wrapper<foo>
> {
>   bool
>   operator==( const foo& rhs )
>   const
>   {
>     return this->get_override("__eq__")(rhs);
>   }
> };
> {
>  	class_< foo_wrap  >("Foo")
>     		.def("__eq__"   , pure_virtual(&function<libsdd>::operator== ))
>    		;
> }

Now in Python:

> class Bar(module.Foo):
>   def __init__( self ):
>     super(Bar,self).__init__()
>   def __eq__(self,other):
>     if not isinstance( other, Bar):
>       # Always false!!!!
>       return False
>     else:
>       # some test

If the 'other' parameter is given by the C++ side, then the type that __eq__ sees is 'module.Foo'.
Is there a way to give to the __eq__ method the real python type?
I suppose I can use a to_python_converter, but I'm not sure how to do this.

Thank you!

Alexandre Hamez

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