[C++-sig] outdated info in the "projects using boost.python" docs

Greg Landrum greg.landrum at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 11:26:51 CET 2012


A colleague pointed out to me that the "Project using Boost.Python"
document (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/python/doc/projects.html)
includes a link to Rational Discovery LLC, a company that no longer
exists (we shut it down in 2006). That link, which now re-directs to
some completely different organization) should probably be removed.

The software we developed that uses boost.python to expose chemistry
functionality in C++ to Python has been open-sourced as the rdkit
(www.rdkit.org). If there's any interest in new additions to the
"projects using boost.python" page, I would be happy to provide a


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