[C++-sig] Wrapping a non-copyiable static instance in bp::object

Michael Wild themiwi at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Jan 16 21:00:09 CET 2013

Dear all

I struggle to find a way in which I can wrap a static instance in a
bp::object without copying it. The goal is to have object identity for
this static instance:

struct A {
  static A static_a;

a A::a;

bp::object static_instance()
  static bp::object* result = new bp::object(A::static_a); // [1]
  return *result;

Wrapping A and static_instance with Boost.Python is no problem, and
everything works as expected, however the A::static_a that is being
passed to bp::object() at [1] is being copied, which defeats the whole

Anybody has an idea how achieve this? Thanks!



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