[C++-sig] [Boost.Python] Adding a constructor to python object

Александров Петр petr_aleksandrov at mail.ru
Tue Mar 5 12:13:12 CET 2013

I want to create a Python interface for 
"boost::numeric::ublas::vector<TReal>" where TReal is a C++ class for 
numbers. How can I add my constructor (to create a vector from a python 
list) to the python interface for "ublas::vector"? The following approach:

     .def("__getitem__", &vector_get_item)
     .def("__setitem__", &vector_set_item)
     .def("resize", &CVector::resize)
     .def("size", &CVector::size);


class CVector: public ublas::vector<TReal> {
      CVector(const list &l) { ... }

doesn't works. The python program exits with the following message

Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in 
some_function(some_class, vector) did not match C++ signature: 
some_function(..., boost::numeric::ublas::vector<...>)

I think that boost doesn't understand that "CVector" is practically 
"ublas::vector<TReal>". Inheriting "CVector" from 
"wrapper<ublas::vector<TReal> >" solves this problem. But I need to add 
"boost::noncopyable" to "class_<CVector>" while I want to use a function 
that returns "ublas::vector<TReal>" in python. Is it possible not to add 
"boost::noncopyable" in such case? Numpy bindings are not appropriate 
because I use "ublas::vector" with custom type for real numbers.

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