[C++-sig] Reuse PyObject for non python instanciated C++ objects

Goode, Carl R (PG GT LGT EN MT 4 2) carl.goode at siemens.com
Wed Mar 25 20:45:28 CET 2015

I have a use case where we have a C++ framework that is exposed through boost python.  If I use a C++ factory to create objects, I want to always return the same python object once it is exposed.  I've done this through a postcall policy, but I was wondering if there is a better way.  Below is a simple example of my problem and my proposed solution.  This works, with the only drawback that I create a PyObject* that I throw out every time.  I do not want my framework (in this case, struct X) to know anything about python.  Also, I'm familiar with "has_backed_reference" and using a heldType wrapper, but that would only apply to objects instantiated through python.

struct X;
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<X> > xmap;
std::map<X*, PyObject*> xpymap;

struct X // a container element
    std::string id;

    std::string check;
    X(std::string s) : id(s) { }

    void printId() {
        std::cout << "ID is " << id << std::endl;

    void change_string(std::string nstring) {
        check = nstring;

    void print_string() {
        std::cout << "String is now: " << check << std::endl;

    boost::shared_ptr<X> static XFactory(std::string val) {
      std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<X> >::iterator it = xmap.find(val);
      if (it == xmap.end()) {
        boost::shared_ptr<X> nptr = boost::make_shared<X>(val);
        xmap[val] = nptr;
        return nptr;

                return xmap[val];

// Custom call policy to overwrite the postcall from C++ back to python //
template <typename BasePolicy = boost::python::default_call_policies>
struct carls_policy
  : BasePolicy
  template <typename ArgumentPackage>
  PyObject* postcall(const ArgumentPackage& args, PyObject* result)

    // Chain to base policy.
    result = BasePolicy::postcall(args, result);

    // Extract shared_ptr from result //
    boost::shared_ptr<X> xptr = boost::python::extract< boost::shared_ptr<X> >(result);

    if (!xptr) {
       return result;

    std::map< X*, PyObject* >::iterator it = xpymap.find(xptr.get());
    if (it == xpymap.end()) {
        xpymap[xptr.get()] = result;
        Py_INCREF(xpymap[xptr.get()]); // Increment to store in map
    } else {
        Py_DECREF(result); // Not needed anymore

    Py_INCREF(xpymap[xptr.get()]); // Inremented to return to python
    return xpymap[xptr.get()];


        boost::python::class_<X, boost::shared_ptr<X> > ("X", boost::python::no_init)
                .def("XFactory", &X::XFactory, carls_policy<>()).staticmethod("XFactory")
                .def("printId", &X::printId)
                .def("change_string", &X::change_string)
                .def("print_string", &X::print_string)



>>> import rvp
>>> x1 = rvp.X.XFactory('id1')
>>> x2 = rvp.X.XFactory('id2')
>>> x3 = rvp.X.XFactory('id1')
>>> x1 is x3

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