[C++-sig] formatting str of exposed type

Daniel Brake danielthebrake at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 23:41:27 CEST 2015

Hi Boost Python,

I would like a C++ class which I am exposing through Boost.Python
boost::multiprecision::mpfr_float, with expression templates turned off  --
 eventually a whole pile of types depending on mpfr_float) to be able to
respond to the %precision n command, for example, from ipython.
Additionally, I would like to be able to use a format spec such as


to print a variable b with 40 digits of precision.  Even better, I would
like to be able to put a standard formatting letter in the format string
preceding the .format call.

My best guess would be to def("format",...) as a free function for my
class_, but I also guess that this is a standard operation, and I would
rather use a standard solution.  Parsing the formatting string myself
doesn't sound like much fun, and am hoping for a little insight from the
mailing list.

Thanks very much,

Daniel Brake

University of Notre Dame
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