[Cryptography-dev] Create Fernet API allowing streaming encryption and decryption from file-like objects.

Michael Iverson dr.michael.iverson at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 17:30:44 CET 2015

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Jean-Paul Calderone <
jean-paul at clusterhq.com> wrote:

> A file-like interface is not particularly well-suited for asynchronous
> operation.  Have you looked into whether Tornado and Cyclone would
> actually be able to use such an interface?
I don't see an immediate reason why it could not. I could be wrong on this
point, however.

For example, here is an excerpt from a simple twisted protocol I wrote. The
protocol spawns an external process, and reads data from stdout.
The class has a attribute 'request', which is the file handle generating
the HTTP response.

For each chunk of data it reads, it (asynchronously) calls

    def outReceived(self, data):

Most of the asynchronous behavior involves waiting for IO or network
responses, and processing chunks (or entire responses) when available. This
seems to fit this proposal well.

> And it would certainly be bad if this were the *only* interface
> Cryptography provided to certain functionality (which, fortunately,
> isn't what you're suggesting, I think).

That is definitely not what I'm suggesting. Just an alternate interface for
a specific option.

> Jean-Paul
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Dr. Michael Iverson
Director of Information Technology
Hatteras Printing
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