From skip at  Tue Apr  8 17:12:44 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 10:12:44 -0500
Subject: [Csv] PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv? (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

Passing this along...  I have no argument against what Hamish asks.  Any
thoughts from this crowd?


-------------- next part --------------
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From: Hamish Lawson <hbl at>
Subject: PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv?
Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 15:44:02 +0100
Size: 4469

From LogiplexSoftware at  Tue Apr  8 16:13:51 2003
From: LogiplexSoftware at (Cliff Wells)
Date: 08 Apr 2003 07:13:51 -0700
Subject: [Csv] PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv? (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1049811231.3721.3.camel@software1.logiplex.internal>

On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 08:12, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Passing this along...  I have no argument against what Hamish asks.  Any
> thoughts from this crowd?

None here.  I just didn't know how to do it =)

BTW, I know you're new here, but please don't top-post <wink>
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Hamish Lawson <hbl at>
> To: python-list at
> Subject: PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv?
> Date: 08 Apr 2003 15:44:02 +0100
> According to the documentation in progress at
> use of the forthcoming csv module (as described in PEP305) requires it to 
> be imported from the csv package:
>      from csv import csv
>      input = open('datafile', 'rb')
>      reader = csv.reader(input)
>      for line in reader:
>          print line
> Is there some reason why the cvs package's doesn't import the 
> required names from, so allowing the shorter form below?
>      import csv
>      input = open('datafile', 'rb')
>      reader = csv.reader(input)
>      for line in reader:
>          print line
> Hamish Lawson
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

From skip at  Tue Apr  8 18:08:26 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 11:08:26 -0500
Subject: [Csv] PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv? (fwd)
In-Reply-To: <1049811231.3721.3.camel@software1.logiplex.internal>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Cliff> BTW, I know you're new here, but please don't top-post <wink>

I didn't top post.  I attached an entire email message.  Attachments are
generally added at the end. <wink>


From skip at  Wed Apr  9 15:43:11 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed, 9 Apr 2003 08:43:11 -0500
Subject: [Csv] Re: [Python-Dev] PEP305 csv package: from csv import csv?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Hamish" == Hamish Lawson <hbl at> writes:

    Hamish> [Please excuse my posting this message here after initially
    Hamish> posting it to python-list, but I realised afterwards that this
    Hamish> might be the more appropriate forum (it hasn't so far had any
    Hamish> responses on python-list anyway).]


Actually, I forwarded your note to the csv mailing list: csv at
That'd be the best place to discuss the topic. ;-)

I'll probably get around to changing things in the next day or two, but
please feel free to submit a patch so I don't forget.


From noah at  Thu Apr 10 08:05:22 2003
From: noah at (Noah Spurrier)
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 23:05:22 -0700
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
Message-ID: <>

This is great. This has my vote. Probably half of
my projects have a CSV parser somewhere.
For better or worse, I use CSV files far more than
I use XML. A built-in CSV parser just makes sense.


From skip at  Thu Apr 10 15:33:44 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 08:33:44 -0500
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Noah> This is great. This has my vote. Probably half of my projects have
    Noah> a CSV parser somewhere.  For better or worse, I use CSV files far
    Noah> more than I use XML. A built-in CSV parser just makes sense.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.  The csv code is now in the Python CVS
repository.  I need to check in one itty bitty change (to hoist the contents
of the csv.csv module to the top level) and then I think the API is set.
Barring an highly unlikely change of heart by the BDFL the csv package will
be in 2.3.


From jeremy at  Thu Apr 10 19:12:47 2003
From: jeremy at (Jeremy Hylton)
Date: 10 Apr 2003 13:12:47 -0400
Subject: [Csv] csv needs to be gc-aware?
Message-ID: <>

I've been reviewing extension modules looking for C types that should
participate in garbage collection.  I think the csv ReaderObj and
WriterObj should participate.  The ReaderObj it contains a reference to
input_iter that could be an arbitrary Python object.  The iterator
object could well participate in a cycle that refers to the ReaderObj.
The WriterObj has a reference to a writeline callable, which could well
be a method of an object that also points to the WriterObj.

The Dialect object appears to be safe, because the only PyObject * it
refers should be a string.  Safe until someone creates an insane string
subclass <0.4 wink>.

Also, an unrelated comment about the code, the lineterminator of the
Dialect is managed by a collection of little helper functions like
get_string, set_string, etc.  This code appears to be excessively
general; since they're called only once, it seems clearer to inline the
logic directly in the get/set methods for the lineterminator.


From djc at  Fri Apr 11 02:30:08 2003
From: djc at (Dave Cole)
Date: 11 Apr 2003 10:30:08 +1000
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

Noah> This is great. This has my vote. Probably half of my projects
Noah> have a CSV parser somewhere.  For better or worse, I use CSV
Noah> files far more than I use XML. A built-in CSV parser just makes
Noah> sense.

Skip> Thanks for the vote of confidence.  The csv code is now in the
Skip> Python CVS repository.  I need to check in one itty bitty change
Skip> (to hoist the contents of the csv.csv module to the top level)
Skip> and then I think the API is set.  Barring an highly unlikely
Skip> change of heart by the BDFL the csv package will be in 2.3.

I would just like to thank Skip for going the distance and making this
happen.  It takes a special type of doggedness to take something that
is 90% complete and perform the remaining 90% of work.

A job well done.

- Dave


From andrewm at  Fri Apr 11 03:27:12 2003
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 11:27:12 +1000
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305 
In-Reply-To: Message from Dave Cole <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Skip> Thanks for the vote of confidence.  The csv code is now in the
>Skip> Python CVS repository.  I need to check in one itty bitty change
>Skip> (to hoist the contents of the csv.csv module to the top level)
>Skip> and then I think the API is set.  Barring an highly unlikely
>Skip> change of heart by the BDFL the csv package will be in 2.3.
>I would just like to thank Skip for going the distance and making this
>happen.  It takes a special type of doggedness to take something that
>is 90% complete and perform the remaining 90% of work.
>A job well done.

I'd second that!

Now, if only I could find the time to address the gc issues Jeremy
highlighted, and check through the points raised by Neal... 8-(

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

From skip at  Fri Apr 11 03:59:43 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 20:59:43 -0500
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305 
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Andrew> Now, if only I could find the time to address the gc issues
    Andrew> Jeremy highlighted, and check through the points raised by
    Andrew> Neal... 8-(

Let's split them up if we can.  I'm about to knock of for the (Thursday)
evening, but if nothing's been posted by tomorrow, I'll take a crack at
dividing things up in a reasonable fashion.  (The docs need another pass as


From LogiplexSoftware at  Fri Apr 11 17:16:49 2003
From: LogiplexSoftware at (Cliff Wells)
Date: 11 Apr 2003 08:16:49 -0700
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1050074208.13005.129.camel@software1.logiplex.internal>

On Thu, 2003-04-10 at 17:30, Dave Cole wrote:
> >>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:
> Noah> This is great. This has my vote. Probably half of my projects
> Noah> have a CSV parser somewhere.  For better or worse, I use CSV
> Noah> files far more than I use XML. A built-in CSV parser just makes
> Noah> sense.
> Skip> Thanks for the vote of confidence.  The csv code is now in the
> Skip> Python CVS repository.  I need to check in one itty bitty change
> Skip> (to hoist the contents of the csv.csv module to the top level)
> Skip> and then I think the API is set.  Barring an highly unlikely
> Skip> change of heart by the BDFL the csv package will be in 2.3.
> I would just like to thank Skip for going the distance and making this
> happen.  It takes a special type of doggedness to take something that
> is 90% complete and perform the remaining 90% of work.
> A job well done.

Second that, and also thanks to Kevin Altis for getting the ball

<Group hug/>

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

From skip at  Sat Apr 12 01:15:43 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 18:15:43 -0500
Subject: [Csv] csv to-do
Message-ID: <>

To do list:

    * catch docs up to the current code (Skip)

    * make csv module gc-aware (Jeremy - said he'd do this)

    * Neal's code review feedback:

        - remove TODO comment at top of file--it's empty

          (done I think)

        - is CSV going to be maintained outside the python tree?
          If not, remove the 2.2 compatibility macros for:
                 PyDoc_STR, PyDoc_STRVAR, PyMODINIT_FUNC, etc.

          (rationale for leaving them in explained already)

        - inline the following functions since they are used only in one
          place get_string, set_string, get_nullchar_as_None,
          set_nullchar_as_None, join_reset (maybe)

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - rather than use PyErr_BadArgument, should you use assert?
                (first example, Dialect_set_quoting, line 218)

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - is it necessary to have Dialect_methods, can you use 0 for

        - remove commented out code (PyMem_DEL) on line 261


        - Have you used valgrind on the test to find memory

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - PyString_AsString()[0] on line 331 could return NULL in which case
          you are dereferencing a NULL pointer


        - note sure why there are casts on 0 pointers lines 383-393,
          733-743, 1144-1154, 1164-1165

          (I think this refers to the various static PyTypeObjects.  I
          believe the convention normally is to apply the casts.)
        - Reader_getiter() can be removed and use PyObject_SelfIter()

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - I think you need PyErr_NoMemory() before returning on line 768, 1178

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - is PyString_AsString(self->dialect->lineterminator) on line 994
          guaranteed not to return NULL?  If not, it could crash by passing
          to memmove.

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - PyString_AsString() can return NULL on line 1048 and 1063, the
          result is passed to join_append()

          (Dave or Andrew)

        - iteratable should be iterable?  (line 1088)


        - why doesn't csv_writerows() have a docstring?  csv_writerow does

          (done - still to checkin)

        - any PyUnicode_* methods should be protected with #ifdef


        - csv_unregister_dialect, csv_get_dialect could use METH_O so you
          don't need to use PyArg_ParseTuple 


        - in init_csv, recommend using PyModule_AddIntConstant and
          PyModule_AddStringConstant where appropriate


From skip at  Sun Apr 13 02:42:32 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 19:42:32 -0500
Subject: [Csv] csv to-do (fwd)
Message-ID: <>

I believe I took care of these items from the to-do list:

        - PyString_AsString()[0] on line 331 could return NULL in which case
          you are dereferencing a NULL pointer

        - PyString_AsString() can return NULL on line 1048 and 1063, the
          result is passed to join_append()

        - iteratable should be iterable?  (line 1088)

        - why doesn't csv_writerows() have a docstring?  csv_writerow does

        - any PyUnicode_* methods should be protected with #ifdef

        - csv_unregister_dialect, csv_get_dialect could use METH_O so you
          don't need to use PyArg_ParseTuple 

        - in init_csv, recommend using PyModule_AddIntConstant and
          PyModule_AddStringConstant where appropriate


From skip at  Sun Apr 13 03:46:35 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2003 20:46:35 -0500
Subject: [Csv] csv.utils.Sniffer notes
Message-ID: <>

I guess this is mostly for Cliff, but everyone should feel free to chime in.
I went to write a subsection describing the utils.Sniffer class and began to
wonder about a few things.

  * It's not clear to me that passing a file object to Sniffer.sniff() is
    the correct way to give it data to operate on.  First, because you can
    perform multiple operations (sniff, hasHeaders), it requires the file
    object to be rewindable.  Second, it doesn't seem to me that setting
    self.fileobj in sniff() is the right thing.  What if all the user is
    interested in is whether the CSV file has headers?  I think it makes
    more sense to simply pass in a chunk of data to the constructor to use
    as the sample.  The caller can then worry about rewindability in his own

  * The mixture of camelCase and underscore separators in the method names.
    I believe it's more usual (especially in the Python core) to use an
    underscore to separate words in attribute names.

  * The use of eval().  I think the only things we can reasonably have in
    CSV files are strings, ints and floats, so code to determine types can
    look like:

            thisType = type(int(row[col]))
        except ValueError:
                thisType = type(float(row[col]))
            except ValueError:
                thisType = str

    OverFlowError doesn't need to be considered in 2.3 because int()
    silently coerces to longs:

        >>> int(6e23)

    2.2 and earlier probably still require the OverflowError check.

  * I don't think the sniffer needs to offer a register_dialect() method.
    The sniff() method returns a dialect.  The programmer can then call the
    normal dialect registration function if need be.

Attached is an untested version of which implements the various
changes except for the eval() stuff.  The logic there was complex enough
that I didn't want to risk screwing it up.


-------------- next part --------------
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Name: sniffer.diff
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 8725 bytes
Desc: sniffer diff
Url : 

From skip at  Wed Apr 16 19:16:58 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 12:16:58 -0500
Subject: [Csv] [Python-Dev] 2.3b1 release (fwd)
Message-ID: <>


Guido wants to make a 2.3b1 release in the next week or so (see attached
message).  Any chance of taking care of some/most/all the remaining to-do
list items in that timeframe?


-------------- next part --------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: Guido van Rossum <guido at>
Subject: [Python-Dev] 2.3b1 release
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 11:52:10 -0400
Size: 4015

From skip at  Thu Apr 24 23:13:29 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:13:29 -0500
Subject: [Csv] csv.utils.Sniffer notes
Message-ID: <>

Sorry for the late notice on this.  The 2.3b1 release snuck up on me.

I sent this back on the 12th.  It's in my outgoing mail archive, but I
didn't see it in the mailing list archives and never received any
responses.  Maybe my mailman installation is broken.  The last message
archived appears on the 11th.

Note also that I just checked in a change recommended by the PythonLabs
folks - it's once again a csv module (no longer a package).  Cliff's sniffer
class is now csv.Sniffer.  2.3b1 is scheduled to be frozen tomorrow at noon.
After that, the API can't change.  If I don't hear from anyone about this
real soon I'll go ahead and implement the change.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- I
guess this is mostly for Cliff, but everyone should feel free to chime in.
I went to write a subsection describing the Sniffer class and began to
wonder about a few things.

  * It's not clear to me that passing a file object to Sniffer.sniff() is
    the correct way to give it data to operate on.  First, because you can
    perform multiple operations (sniff, hasHeaders), it requires the file
    object to be rewindable.  Second, it doesn't seem to me that setting
    self.fileobj in sniff() is the right thing.  What if all the user is
    interested in is whether the CSV file has headers?  I think it makes
    more sense to simply pass in a chunk of data to the constructor to use
    as the sample.  The caller can then worry about rewindability in his own

  * The mixture of camelCase and underscore separators in the method names.
    I believe it's more usual (especially in the Python core) to use an
    underscore to separate words in attribute names.

  * The use of eval().  I think the only things we can reasonably have in
    CSV files are strings, ints and floats, so code to determine types can
    look like:

            thisType = type(int(row[col]))
        except ValueError:
                thisType = type(float(row[col]))
            except ValueError:
                thisType = str

    OverFlowError doesn't need to be considered in 2.3 because int()
    silently coerces to longs:

        >>> int(6e23)

    2.2 and earlier probably still require the OverflowError check.

  * I don't think the sniffer needs to offer a register_dialect() method.
    The sniff() method returns a dialect.  The programmer can then call the
    normal dialect registration function if need be.

Attached is a context diff against the current CSV version of Lib/ and
Lib/test/ which implements the various changes except for the
eval() stuff and adds a couple simple sniffer tests.  The logic for the
eval() stuff was complex enough that I didn't want to risk screwing it up at
this point.


From skip at  Thu Apr 24 23:17:01 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:17:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [Csv] test
Message-ID: <>


From skip at  Thu Apr 24 23:26:39 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:26:39 -0500
Subject: [Csv] my apologies
Message-ID: <>

My apologies folks.  I had a bit of a screwup in the mailman 2.1 install on
my server which didn't show up until the server was rebooted.  Got things
straightened out now I think.


From skip at  Thu Apr 24 23:28:44 2003
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2003 16:28:44 -0500
Subject: [Csv] csv.utils.Sniffer notes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

    Skip> Attached is a context diff against the current CSV version of
    Skip> Lib/ and Lib/test/ ...

Duh...  Here's the diff.


-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: csv.diff
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 9433 bytes
Desc: not available
Url : 

From LogiplexSoftware at  Sat Apr 26 00:03:18 2003
From: LogiplexSoftware at (Cliff Wells)
Date: 25 Apr 2003 15:03:18 -0700
Subject: [Csv] csv.utils.Sniffer notes
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1051308198.2880.11.camel@dhcppc2>

On Thu, 2003-04-24 at 14:13, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Sorry for the late notice on this.  The 2.3b1 release snuck up on me.
> I sent this back on the 12th.  It's in my outgoing mail archive, but I
> didn't see it in the mailing list archives and never received any
> responses.  Maybe my mailman installation is broken.  The last message
> archived appears on the 11th.
> Note also that I just checked in a change recommended by the PythonLabs
> folks - it's once again a csv module (no longer a package).  Cliff's sniffer
> class is now csv.Sniffer.  2.3b1 is scheduled to be frozen tomorrow at noon.
> After that, the API can't change.  If I don't hear from anyone about this
> real soon I'll go ahead and implement the change.
> Skip
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I
> guess this is mostly for Cliff, but everyone should feel free to chime in.
> I went to write a subsection describing the Sniffer class and began to
> wonder about a few things.

Sorry I've been out of action.  We moved our office and I've been
offline for a few days.  Oddly, I had the LAN installed at the new
location two days ago, everything plugged in and ready to go, but didn't
get AC power until about an hour ago =)

>   * It's not clear to me that passing a file object to Sniffer.sniff() is
>     the correct way to give it data to operate on.  First, because you can
>     perform multiple operations (sniff, hasHeaders), it requires the file
>     object to be rewindable.  Second, it doesn't seem to me that setting
>     self.fileobj in sniff() is the right thing.  What if all the user is
>     interested in is whether the CSV file has headers?  I think it makes
>     more sense to simply pass in a chunk of data to the constructor to use
>     as the sample.  The caller can then worry about rewindability in his own
>     code.

I've been thinking the same thing myself.  Rewindability is an issue. 
Originally DSV just used a chunk of data, so switching back to that
shouldn't be a problem.

>   * The mixture of camelCase and underscore separators in the method names.
>     I believe it's more usual (especially in the Python core) to use an
>     underscore to separate words in attribute names.
>   * The use of eval().  I think the only things we can reasonably have in
>     CSV files are strings, ints and floats, so code to determine types can
>     look like:
>         try:
>             thisType = type(int(row[col]))
>         except ValueError:
>             try:
>                 thisType = type(float(row[col]))
>             except ValueError:
>                 thisType = str

Seems reasonable.  

>     OverFlowError doesn't need to be considered in 2.3 because int()
>     silently coerces to longs:
>         >>> int(6e23)
>         600000000000000016777216L
>     2.2 and earlier probably still require the OverflowError check.
>   * I don't think the sniffer needs to offer a register_dialect() method.
>     The sniff() method returns a dialect.  The programmer can then call the
>     normal dialect registration function if need be.


> Attached is a context diff against the current CSV version of Lib/ and
> Lib/test/ which implements the various changes except for the
> eval() stuff and adds a couple simple sniffer tests.  The logic for the
> eval() stuff was complex enough that I didn't want to risk screwing it up at
> this point.

You're saying my code isn't beautiful and easy to follow? <wink>

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308