[Csv] confused about wrapping readers and writers

Andrew McNamara andrewm at object-craft.com.au
Mon Feb 10 11:26:33 CET 2003

>I think it is well nigh time to let this code loose on the Python

It now works with Python 2.2, which certainly makes this more feasible.
Supporting versions of Python prior to 2.2 is problematic - the type
model is very different, and they don't have iterators (which the C code
uses in some key locations).

>The only possible addition now would be some kind of
>mechanism whereby something like the db_row could be linked in with
>the module.
>        http://opensource.theopalgroup.com/
>Mind you the application might be the best place to do this kind of

Maybe Skip's dictionary stuff would get us closer?

We haven't made any impression on the csv.utils sub-module yet - things
like the sniffer. We want to watch we don't miss the 2.3 boat - what's
the next step?

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

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