Checkin privileges for a few other people please? (fwd)

Dave Cole djc at
Tue Jan 28 04:57:07 CET 2003

>>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

Skip> Guido says it's a go if you're cool with the PSF license.  This
Skip> will likely affect your current code.  Let me know, yea or nay.

I have skimmed through the psf-contributor-agreement.  It looks like
we lose nothing by contributing - we just grant PSF equal copyright.
That is fine by us (that is a yea).

I suppose we should fax some signed copies of the various agreements.

- Dave

Guido> I'd like to make sure that they will assign the copyright to the
Guido> PSF.  This is especially important since two of these are
Guido> already authors of 3rd party code with possibly different
Guido> licenses.  All new code in the Python CVS *must* be under the
Guido> standard PSF license.

Guido> If they all agree with the drafts at


Guido> it's a deal, as far as I'm concerned.  (Oh, and the usual
Guido> caution for checking in outside the area for which they are
Guido> responsible.)


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