From spikeharman at  Sat Apr  3 12:14:12 2004
From: spikeharman at (Mike)
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 2004 11:14:12 +0100
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
Message-ID: <>

Hi there, 

I was hoping you can help me.... I have a bf1942 clan website and i want to add stats of my members to the site using csv. files can you help or direct me to a website that can ???? 

e.mail me at meric at  :)
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From jeffbarish at  Mon Apr  5 23:55:02 2004
From: jeffbarish at (Jeffrey Barish)
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2004 15:55:02 -0600
Subject: [Csv] CSV ignores lineterminator
Message-ID: <>

A responder to my usenet posting suggested sending email to this address.

 input_data = ['word1\tword2;word3\tword4;',
 delimiter = '\t'
 lineterminator = ';'
 shouldn't csv.reader(input_data, dialect='mydialect') return
 ['word1', 'word2']
 ['word3', 'word4']
 ['word5', 'word6']
 ['word7', 'word8']
 I?find?that?it?doesn't?matter?how?I?set lineterminator, csv always 
terminates at the end of the line returned by the iterable object passed as 
its first argument (input_data, in this case):
 word1 word2;word3 word4
 word5 word6;word7 word8
 Also, if I use as input_data:
 ['word1\tword2;', 'word3\tword4', 'word5\tword6;', 'word7\tword8;']
 I expect to get 
 word1 word2
 word3 word4word5 word6
 word7 word8
In words, csv.reader() doesn't find a lineterminator when it reads the 
second "line" of the list so it reads another line where it does find a 
lineterminator. I get a line break after word4 even though no 
lineterminator appears there.
 I'm using Python 2.3 on Linux 2.4.23. 
Jeffrey Barish		970-728-1925
120 Aldasoro Rd
Telluride, CO  81435

From andrewm at  Tue Apr  6 01:35:28 2004
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 09:35:28 +1000
Subject: [Csv] CSV ignores lineterminator 
In-Reply-To: Message from Jeffrey Barish <> 
References: <> 
Message-ID: <>

> input_data = ['word1\tword2;word3\tword4;',
> 'word5\tword6;word7\tword8;']
> and
> delimiter = '\t'
> lineterminator = ';'
> shouldn't csv.reader(input_data, dialect='mydialect') return
> ['word1', 'word2']
> ['word3', 'word4']
> ['word5', 'word6']
> ['word7', 'word8']
> I find that it doesn't matter how I set lineterminator, csv always 
>terminates at the end of the line returned by the iterable object passed
>as its first argument (input_data, in this case):
> word1 word2;word3 word4
> word5 word6;word7 word8

Yes - the lineterminator is only used for output. When the csv module was
moved to 2.3, we chose to implement the iterator protocol for input so the
module could accept input from any iterator-like object.  Unfortunately,
this also introduces the inconsistency you have noted.

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

From andrewm at  Tue Apr  6 03:49:27 2004
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 2004 11:49:27 +1000
Subject: [Csv] CSV ignores lineterminator 
In-Reply-To: Message from Jeffrey Barish <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>I understand the difficulty of these sorts of tradeoffs.  My main wish is 
>that the documentation was clearer so that I could have avoided spending so 
>much time trying to understand what was going wrong.

I'd agree with that. Part of the problem is time - this gets done in time
we steal from other projects, and that's in short supply at the moment. 

Of course, if you're annoyed enough at the state of the doco, maybe you'd
consider giving us a hand with them? Both the PEP and the python module
doco could do with a thorough going over before Python 2.4 comes out. 8-)

>Speaking of which -- and I don't intend to nag you indefinitely -- the
>documentation says that the dialect argument to reader or writer takes a
>string that identifies a dialect previously registered using
>register_dialect.  However, the email I got from Skip Montanaro passed a
>dialect directly -- and that seems to work too.  Is it permitted to use
>either a string or a dialect?

If I remember correctly, the underlying C module will accept either
a dialect object, or keyword arguments describing a dialect (which,
I think, it converts to a dialect object). I think you can actually
mix dialect and keyword arguments to get an effect like "I want excel,
but with these changes". That was the intention, anyway... 8-)

Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

From manian at  Tue Apr  6 13:34:00 2004
From: manian at (Shiva Kumar)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 17:04:00 +0530
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
Message-ID: <000901c41bcb$10311660$0701a8c0@advaita>

how to generate empty csv files plz
send me ASAP
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From skip at  Tue Apr  6 16:33:00 2004
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 09:33:00 -0500
Subject: [Csv] PEP 305
In-Reply-To: <000901c41bcb$10311660$0701a8c0@advaita>
References: <000901c41bcb$10311660$0701a8c0@advaita>
Message-ID: <>

    Shiva> how to generate empty csv files plz

An empty csv file would be either an empty file or a csv file with just a
line identifying the field headers.  For the former, just open and close a

    file("empty.csv", "wb")

For the latter, just write the header row, e.g.:

    writer = csv.writer(file("empty.csv", "wb"))
    writer.writerow(("date", "city", "state", "performer", "venue"))
    del writer


From shiv_kumar_m at  Fri Apr 30 08:19:54 2004
From: shiv_kumar_m at (shiv ku mar)
Date: 30 Apr 2004 06:19:54 -0000
Subject: [Csv] None
Message-ID: <>

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hello sir,

        which is namespace for csv & xmlcsvreader &xmlcsvwriter,plz send me an details about the this

