From skip at  Sun Jun 26 20:10:42 2005
From: skip at (Skip Montanaro)
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 13:10:42 -0500
Subject: [Csv] Proposal: comment character for csv files...
Message-ID: <>

Iain Haslam submitted a patch for the _csv module to implement comment
characters for CSV files:

Basically, you could define a comment character, which, if it appeared in
column 1, would cause the reader to skip that line.

I'm mildly against the idea (first impression mostly), but the patch isn't
very big.  Would someone else please take a look at it and comment on the



From andrewm at  Mon Jun 27 05:33:55 2005
From: andrewm at (Andrew McNamara)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 13:33:55 +1000
Subject: [Csv] Proposal: comment character for csv files... 
In-Reply-To: <> 
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

>Iain Haslam submitted a patch for the _csv module to implement comment
>characters for CSV files:
>Basically, you could define a comment character, which, if it appeared in
>column 1, would cause the reader to skip that line.
>I'm mildly against the idea (first impression mostly), but the patch isn't
>very big.  Would someone else please take a look at it and comment on the

SF seems to be down, so I can't review the patch. I can't see any real
downside to the proposal - it's a fairly simple change, and it will be
used. Certainly it can be done other ways, but it strikes me that this
is the best place for it.

The changes to the C code are only part
of the story - doco updates, test updates, etc, are all needed. The
patch probably should also raise an exception if the comment character
conflicts with one of the other special characters (it may already do
this - I can't check at the moment).

What happens if the the comment character appears in a multiline record?


Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft

From pwatson at  Mon Jun 27 23:12:06 2005
From: pwatson at (Paul Watson)
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 15:12:06 -0600
Subject: [Csv] Proposal: comment character for csv files...
Message-ID: <>

If this is done, please allow for a comment string rather than just a character.  The developer can always specify a one character string.

Also, the string can be specified encoded or Unicode.

Kindest regards,


-------Original Message-------
> From: csv-request at
> Subject: Csv Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1
> Sent: 27 Jun 2005 12:00:03
>  Send Csv mailing list submissions to
>  csv at
>  To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>  or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>  csv-request at
>  You can reach the person managing the list at
>  csv-owner at
>  When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>  than "Re: Contents of Csv digest..."
>  Today's Topics:
>     1. Proposal: comment character for csv files... (Skip Montanaro)
>     2. Re: Proposal: comment character for csv files...
>        (Andrew McNamara)
>  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Message: 1
>  Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 13:10:42 -0500
>  From: Skip Montanaro <skip at>
>  Subject: [Csv] Proposal: comment character for csv files...
>  To: csv at
>  Message-ID: <17086.61346.38948.447658 at>
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>  Iain Haslam submitted a patch for the _csv module to implement comment
>  characters for CSV files:
>  Basically, you could define a comment character, which, if it appeared in
>  column 1, would cause the reader to skip that line.
>  I'm mildly against the idea (first impression mostly), but the patch isn't
>  very big.  Would someone else please take a look at it and comment on the
>  idea?
>  Thanks,
>  Skip
>  ------------------------------
>  Message: 2
>  Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 13:33:55 +1000
>  From: Andrew McNamara <andrewm at>
>  Subject: Re: [Csv] Proposal: comment character for csv files...
>  To: Skip Montanaro <skip at>
>  Cc: csv at
>  Message-ID: <20050627033355.1929979408B at>
>  >Iain Haslam submitted a patch for the _csv module to implement comment
>  >characters for CSV files:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >Basically, you could define a comment character, which, if it appeared in
>  >column 1, would cause the reader to skip that line.
>  >
>  >I'm mildly against the idea (first impression mostly), but the patch isn't
>  >very big.  Would someone else please take a look at it and comment on the
>  >idea?
>  SF seems to be down, so I can't review the patch. I can't see any real
>  downside to the proposal - it's a fairly simple change, and it will be
>  used. Certainly it can be done other ways, but it strikes me that this
>  is the best place for it.
>  The changes to the C code are only part
>  of the story - doco updates, test updates, etc, are all needed. The
>  patch probably should also raise an exception if the comment character
>  conflicts with one of the other special characters (it may already do
>  this - I can't check at the moment).
>  What happens if the the comment character appears in a multiline record?
>      abc,"def
>      #ghi",jkl
>      lmn",
>  --
>  Andrew McNamara, Senior Developer, Object Craft
>  ------------------------------
>  _______________________________________________
>  Csv mailing list
>  Csv at
>  End of Csv Digest, Vol 21, Issue 1
>  **********************************
-------Original Message-------