From skip at Thu May 12 16:36:34 2005 From: skip at (Skip Montanaro) Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 09:36:34 -0500 Subject: [Csv] Internet Draft CSV file format Message-ID: <> Mike Meyer posted the following reference on last night: Thought I'd pass it along as an FYI and to record it in our list archives. Is it worth adding to the docs? Skip From magnus at Thu May 12 18:07:35 2005 From: magnus at (Magnus Lie Hetland) Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 18:07:35 +0200 Subject: [Csv] Internet Draft CSV file format In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Skip Montanaro <skip at>: > > Mike Meyer posted the following reference on last night: > > > > Thought I'd pass it along as an FYI and to record it in our list archives. > Is it worth adding to the docs? As a reference/link, certainly (IMO). I guess it might even be worth checking that the csv module can actually handle the format as described in this draft. IIRC, there have been several strange issues with the UNIX-ish colon-separated values format (I'm not sure whether any of them have been fixed?), and I guess similar issues might be found here. With a formal definition of the format, fixing such problems might be easier, perhaps? (I mean, there's even a grammar for it...) If the current module cannot deal with the format as described, perhaps it could be useful to create a submodule that can -- possibly just implemented in Python. This would be a subset of what is handled by the csv module, though, it seems -- it explicitly only allows comma as a separator, for example. > Skip -- Magnus Lie Hetland Fall seven times, stand up eight [Japanese proverb]