From pitam at  Tue Aug 31 02:59:41 2010
From: pitam at (Pitam Mitra)
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 17:59:41 -0700
Subject: [Csv] read a csv file from StringIO
Message-ID: <>


I am trying to read a CSV file from memory. Basically, what
I am trying to do is - I am downloading a CSV file from a
web site, and trying to parse it through CSV module,
without saving it to disk. However, CSV behaves in a
different way. For example:

import csv, urllib

webFile = urllib.urlopen(url)
localFile = open(fname, 'w')

for row in csvReader:
    print row

#gives output as: 
#['-2.0000e-03', '-0.0002']

Same thing, slightly different:

import csv, urllib

webFile = urllib.urlopen(url)

for row in csvReader:
    print row

#gives output:

How can I get rid of this behaviour?


From sjmachin at  Tue Aug 31 03:49:58 2010
From: sjmachin at (John Machin)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 11:49:58 +1000
Subject: [Csv] read a csv file from StringIO
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 31/08/2010 10:59 AM, Pitam Mitra wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to read a CSV file from memory. Basically, what
> I am trying to do is - I am downloading a CSV file from a
> web site, and trying to parse it through CSV module,
> without saving it to disk. However, CSV behaves in a
> different way. For example:
> import csv, urllib
> url="http://......./xxxxx.csv"
> webFile = urllib.urlopen(url)
> localFile = open(fname, 'w')

For portablility, the above should be 'wb' ... otherwise on Windows 
you'd get a superflous `\r` for each `\n` in the file.

> localFile.write(
> webFile.close()
> localFile.close()
> csvReader=csv.reader(open(fname))
> for row in csvReader:
>      print row
> #gives output as:
> #['-2.0000e-03', '-0.0002']
> #.......
> Same thing, slightly different:
> import csv, urllib
> url="http://......./xxxxx.csv"
> webFile = urllib.urlopen(url)
> csvReader=csv.reader(open( surely must be a str object containing the unparsed csv 
data. I can't image why open(some_data) doesn't raise an exception ... 
open() expects a path to a file. Are you sure that's what you did? 
Better to copy/paste that to type from memory! The output that you got 
is consistent with

Your message has StringIO in the title but you don't use it in the code 
that you've shown. Try this:

data =
pseudofile = StringIO.StringIO(data)
csvReader = csv.reader(pseudofile)

> webFile.close()
> for row in csvReader:
>      print row
> #gives output:
> #['-']
> #....
> How can I get rid of this behaviour?
> Pitam