[Cython] Another CEP: Parallel block

mark florisson markflorisson88 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 10:26:40 CEST 2011

On 5 April 2011 09:21, Dag Sverre Seljebotn <d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no> wrote:
> There's a (much shorter) proposal for a more explicit parallelism construct
> at
> http://wiki.cython.org/enhancements/parallelblock
> This is a little more verbose for the simplest case, but makes the
> medium-cases that needs work buffers much simpler, and is also more explicit
> and difficult to get wrong.

I actually think your else block really complicates matters. In this
example even your index variable is not well-defined right after the
loop, because it's not "declared lastprivate through the else block".
There is really no reason to make variables private instead of
lastprivate (and additionally firstprivate if needed) by default.

I think we should allow at least both options, so if the variables are
declared in the parallel nogil block they can only be used inside that
block (but are still lastprivate, as the first loop may be followed by
other code). But the user will also still be able to declare and
define stuff outside of the block and omit the with parallel block

And again, you will want something like cython.parallel.range instead
of just range, as you will want to pass scheduling parameters to the
range(), and not the parallel.

So e.g. you can still write something like this:

cdef Py_ssize_t i
for i in cython.parallel.range(..., schedule='dynamic', nogil=True):
    do something

print i # i is well-defined here

My point is, implicit first- and lastprivate can be implicit because
it works the exact same way as the sequential python version does. The
only remaining pitfall is the in-place operator which declares a

> I am not sure myself which one I prefer of this and prange.
> Justification for Cython-specific syntax: This is something that is really
> only useful if you can release the GIL *outside* of the loop. So I feel this
> is an area where a custom Cython solution is natural, sort of like "cdef
> extern", and the buffer access.
> Since a similar pure-Python solution is rather useless, I also think there's
> less incentive for making something that works well in pure-Python mode.

Which feature is Cython specific here? The 'with a, b as c:' thing?

> Dag Sverre
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