[Cython] Utility Codes and templates

Hoyt Koepke hoytak at stat.washington.edu
Fri Jul 22 18:48:04 CEST 2011

I know I'm a little late to the discussion, but I've been meaning to
ask about a feature like this myself.

As a point of information, Mako (http://www.makotemplates.org/) might
be a bit heavyweight for embedding in cython (I don't know for sure;
haven't looked at the source).  One
selling point, however, is that it is already used with cython code in
scipy (see,
e.g., https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/master/scipy/interpolate/interpnd.pyx).


+ Hoyt Koepke
+ University of Washington Department of Statistics
+ http://www.stat.washington.edu/~hoytak/
+ hoytak at gmail.com

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