[Cython] Acquisition counted cdef classes

mark florisson markflorisson88 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 21:50:05 CEST 2011


This is in response to
and http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/498 , and some of the
previous discussion on cython.parallel.

Basically I think we should have something more powerful than 'cdef
borrowed CdefClass obj', something that also doesn't rely on new

What if we support acquisition counting for every instance of a cdef
class? In Python and Cython GIL mode you use reference counting, and
in Cython nogil mode and for structs attributes, array dtypes etc you
use acquisition counting. This allows you to pass around cdef objects
without the GIL and use their nogil methods. If the acquisition count
is greater than 1, the acquisition count owns a reference to the
object. If it reaches 0 you discard your owned reference (you can
simply acquire the GIL if you don't have it) and when you increment
from zero you obtain it. Perhaps something like libatomic could be
used to efficiently implement this.

The advantages are:

1) allow users to pass around cdef typed objects in nogil mode
2) allow cdef typed objects in as struct attributes or array elements
3) make it easy to implement things like memoryviews (already done but
would have been a lot easier), cython.parallel.async/future objects,
cython.parallel.mutex objects and possibly other things in the future

We should then allow a syntax like

    with mycdefobject:

to lock the object in GIL or nogil mode (like java's 'synchronized').
For objects that already have __enter__ and __exit__ you could support
something like 'with cython.synchronized(mycdefobject): ...' instead.
Or perhaps you should always require cython.synchronized (or

In addition to nogil methods a user may provide special cdef nogil methods, i.e.

cdef int __len__(self) nogil:

which would provide a Cython as well as a Python implementation for
the function (with automatic cpdef behaviour), so you could use it in
both contexts.

There are two options for assignment semantics to a struct attribute
or array element:
    - decref the old value (this implies always initializing the
pointers to NULL first)
    - don't decref the old value (the user has to manually use 'del')

I think 1) is more definitely consistent with how everything else works.

All of this functionality should also get a sane C API (to be provided
by cython.h). You'd get a Cy_INCREF(obj, have_gil)/Cy_DECREF() etc.
Every class using this functionality is a subclass of CythonObject
(that contains a PyObject + an acquisition count + a lock). Perhaps if
the user is subclassing something other than object we could allow the
user to specify custom __cython_(un)lock__ and
__cython_acquisition_count__ methods and fields.

Now, building on top of this functionality, Cython could provide
built-in nogil-compatible types, like lists, dicts and maybe tuples
(as a start). These will by default not lock for operations to allow
e.g. one thread to iterate over the list and another thread to index
it without lock contention and other general overhead. If one thread
is somehow changing the size of the list, or writing to indices that
another thread is reading from/writing to, the results will of course
be undefined unless the user synchronizes on the object. So it would
be the user's responsibility. The acquisition counting itself will
always be thread-safe (i.e., it will be atomic if possible, otherwise
it will lock).

It's probably best to not enable this functionality by default as it
would be more expensive to instantiate objects, but it could be
supported through a cdef class decorator and a general directive.

Of course one may still use non-cdef borrowed objects, by simply
casting to a PyObject *.



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