[Cython] Auto-pickle progress?

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Tue Sep 25 12:44:04 CEST 2012

On 20.09.2012 21:11, Ian Bell wrote:

> Auto-pickling would be tremendously helpful as pickling and unpickling
> is one of the most annoying features of working with threads and
> processes in python.

How should Cython interfere how to pickle a C pointer?

cdef class foobar:
   cdef double *data

A C object can be anything. Cython does not know anything about size, 
offset or strides, or even if it's safe to take a copy.

Example: How to pickle a shared memory buffer? Surely we cannot take a 
copy, because that would defeat the purpose of "shared" memory. And even 
if could take a copy, how many bytes should be copied? Do you think an 
autopickler could have figured this out?



On yes, the code is different on Unix and Windows, something the 
auto-pickler could not possibly know either.

Auto-pickling cdef classes is not doable, IMHO.

And by the way, implementing a __reduce__ method manually is not very 
difficult either.

Sturla Molden

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