[Cython] patch for #655

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Thu Jun 27 08:58:28 CEST 2013

Felix Salfelder, 25.06.2013 10:34:
> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 01:06:35AM -0700, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> I'm still, however, trying to figure out exactly what the usecase for
>> this is.
> it's about keeping track of build dependencies.
>> Generally extensions are created with distutils, and
>> cythonize handles the dependencies in that framework for you, so I'm
>> not sure how you'd use the resulting makefiles (one per .pyx file?)
>> anyways.

I fail to see the use case, too. It's fairly limited in any case.

> cythonize doesnt know, which headers gcc will use when compiling the
> cython output.

Make doesn't know that either. Cython at least knows which ones are used
directly. Handling transitive dependencies would require parsing header
files. If you need to keep track of changes in transitively included header
files, why not cimport from them in the Cython source to make them an
explicit dependency?

> now what any other compiler will do.

This sentence barely passes through my English parser and then fails to
link with the rest.

> i have no idea how
> to fix that (design flaw?), and its currently easier to just use
> makefiles from the beginning. with makefiles, dependencies are easy and
> fast, if all involved compilers support it.

Maybe you should start by describing more clearly what exactly is missing
in the current setup. Building with make instead of distutils seems like a
major complication to me all by itself.


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