[Cython] Bug in C code generation

Ulf Worsoe ulf.worsoe at mosek.com
Wed Apr 30 12:45:50 CEST 2014


I have encounterered a bug in the following situation with Cython 0.20.1:

cdef funname():
  cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int32_t,ndim=1] myvar
  if True:
    ... block that never initializes myvar
    ... block that initializes myvar

The resulting C code does not declare the variable for the buffer object of
myvar (my guess is that cython detects that it is never used and drops it),
but the cleanup part of the C function contains code that frees the buffer,
and thus refers to a variable that was never declared.

I have not posted the complete code since the .pyx is around 50k lines
long, but the offending method looks like this, and the problematic
variable is _3_perm in line 4:

  cdef _toStringArray__3JJ_3S(self,numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64_t,ndim=1]
_0_subi,numpy.int64_t _1_dstidx,numpy.ndarray[object,ndim=1] _2_result):
    assert _0_subi is None or isinstance(_0_subi,numpy.ndarray)
    assert _2_result is None or isinstance(_2_result,numpy.ndarray)
    cdef numpy.ndarray[numpy.int64_t,ndim=1] _3_perm
    cdef numpy.float64_t _4_c
    cdef numpy.int32_t _5_b
    cdef numpy.int32_t _6_ni
    cdef numpy.int64_t _7_i
    cdef numpy.int32_t _8_p
    cdef mosek_fusion_Utils_StringBuffer _9_sb
    for _10_i in xrange(0,(_0_subi).shape[0]):
      if ((_0_subi[_10_i] < 0) or (_0_subi[_10_i] >= (self.shape.size))):
        raise mosek_fusion_IndexError_ctor_S("Constraint index out of
    if (((_0_subi).shape[0] + _1_dstidx) > (_2_result).shape[0]):
      raise mosek_fusion_LengthError_ctor_S("Result array is too small to
hold the result")
    if True:
      for _11_k in xrange(0,(_0_subi).shape[0]):
        while ((_8_p < ((self.cache.subi)).shape[0]) and
((self.cache.subi)[_8_p] == _7_i)):
          _8_p += 1
: ")
        for _12_j in xrange(_5_b,_8_p):
          if (_4_c > 0):
            _9_sb._a_S(" + ")._a_D(_4_c)._a_S(" ")
          elif (_4_c < 0):
            _9_sb._a_S(" - ")._a_D((- _4_c))._a_S(" ")

        if (self.cache_bfix != None):
          if (self.cache_bfix[_7_i] > 0):
            _9_sb._a_S(" + ")._a_D(self.cache_bfix[_7_i])
          elif (self.cache_bfix[_7_i] < 0):
            _9_sb._a_S(" + ")._a_D(self.cache_bfix[_7_i])
        _9_sb._a_S(" ")

        _2_result[(numpy.int64(_11_k) + _1_dstidx)] = _9_sb._toString_()


Ulf Worsøe
Mosek ApS

ulf.worsoe at mosek.com
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