[Cython] Cython sometimes fails to build on Travis

Yury V. Zaytsev yury at shurup.com
Sat Nov 8 18:55:13 CET 2014

On Sat, 2014-11-08 at 00:53 +0100, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Also, compiling the resulting C code with CFLAGS="-O0" (or "-O0 -ggdb"
> etc.) usually gives another speed boost for testing purposes. 

Just to mention it, the compilation is certainly going to be much
faster, but the resulting code might end up being a lot slower, so if
you then run a battery of tests that uses the module, you might end up
loosing way more than you gained by cutting down the compilation time.

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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