[Cython] DEF converts byte strings to unicode

Jakub Wilk jwilk at jwilk.net
Sat Sep 12 19:01:02 CEST 2015

* Stefan Behnel <stefan_ml at behnel.de>, 2015-09-12, 18:14:
>My general recommendation is to a) avoid DEF, b) avoid DEF for string 
>values, and c) avoid DEF for unprefixed string values, in that order. 
>But b) and c) are only for advanced users.

Fair enough.

NB, there are examples that use DEFs with string values in the 
documentation[0]. You might want to fix them, or add appropriate 

[0] $ grep -r "DEF.*=.*['\"]" docs/
docs/src/reference/language_basics.rst:    DEF FavouriteFood = "spam"
docs/src/userguide/language_basics.rst:    DEF FavouriteFood = "spam"

Jakub Wilk

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