[Cython] Cython 0.29 – or 29.0 ?

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Aug 18 12:09:26 EDT 2018

Am 18. August 2018 12:06:15 MESZ schrieb Jeroen Demeyer:
>On 2018-08-18 10:52, Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> Do the existing c_string_type and c_string_encoding directives not
>> cover this usecase?
>Those seem to refer to C strings, I am talking about the Python type of
>string literals.
>> I suppose what you're asking for is str being the
>> str of the runtime, even if language_level=3 is set.
>Basically I am asking for
>type("foo") is str
>both on Python 2 and Python 3.

That's another breaking change, and might suggest some other adaptations, e.g. for the type of f-strings. But it does sound like a reasonable request. And, fingers crossed, it won't be relevant forever.


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