[Cython] Cython 0.29 – or 29.0 ?

Jeroen Demeyer J.Demeyer at UGent.be
Wed Aug 22 07:10:27 EDT 2018

On 2018-08-19 08:26, Stefan Behnel wrote:
> Should we make that a new directive rather than a language level? Like "py2_str=str"? That would allow its use together with language_level=3 already in the next release.

With a new new directive, you also run into compatibility problems. What 
should the default be? py2_str=str or py2_str=unicode? The former breaks 
code assuming that it's unicode and the latter doesn't really solve 
anything: stuff will still break when language_level=3 becomes the default.

My proposal is a new setting language_level=3str (meaning: everything 
that language_level=3 does, except unicode_literals) and make that the 
default. That way, you keep full compatibility with code already setting 
the language_level. You also have reasonably good chances that code that 
currently uses the implicit language_level=2 will continue to work with 

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