[Cython] Status

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Fri Jan 31 00:51:04 EST 2020

On 31/01/20 9:47 am, John Skaller2 wrote:

>>> 2. pyport is plain wrong. It contains conflicting C typedefs.
>> PRs welcome.
> Is this your prefered method (pull request)?

I'm sure PRs are very welcome, but at the least you could
give us some idea of what these conflicting typedefs are!

>>> 	ob should be PyObject*
>> No, the declaration looks correct to me. The input is an object.
> I don’t understand. ob isn’t a type, is it? A type is required.

It's a (dummy) parameter name. Cython defaults to "object" when a
type isn't specified.

Looking at the other declarations in that file, it was probably
*meant* to say "object ob", but it's not wrong -- it still works
that way.

> Else where “object” is used as an alias for PyObject*.
> It also suggests standard ref counting is required whereas
> plain PyObject* suggests non-standard ref counting.

And you want standard refcounting here.


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