[Datetime-SIG] PEP 495 (Local Time Disambiguation) is ready for pronouncement

Alexander Belopolsky alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 19:23:07 CEST 2015

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 12:43 PM, Felipe Ochoa <
felipe.nospam.ochoa at gmail.com> wrote:

> What if we merge the proposals and set the attribute to `last_fold`?

Well, "last fold" sounds like "in the last of two or more folds" rather
than "the last in a fold".

Here is another way of thinking about the "fold": when you move your clock
back in the Fall, which hour do you think you had and which the government
gave you?  I think most people would say they had the first and the second
they are borrowing until the spring.  So, when your government creates a
fold in the local time, it gives you the second hour in addition to the
first that you've already had.
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