[Datetime-SIG] Are there any "correct" implementations of tzinfo?

Alexander Belopolsky alexander.belopolsky at gmail.com
Mon Sep 14 23:10:47 CEST 2015

On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Random832 <random832 at fastmail.com> wrote:

> I'm going to assume that the interpretations that led to your results
> are:
> a = 2002-04-07 01:40:00 -0500 = 2002-04-07 06:40:00 Z
> b = 2002-04-07 02:20:00 -0400 = 2002-04-07 06:20:00 Z

Looks right:

>>> print(a)
2002-04-07 01:40:00-05:00
>>> print(a.astimezone(UTC))
2002-04-07 06:40:00+00:00
>>> print(b)
2002-04-07 02:20:00-04:00
>>> print(b.astimezone(UTC))
2002-04-07 06:20:00+00:00

> I don't think this is a reasonable value for b.astimezone(UTC) to have.

You would have to go back in time to 2002-2003 and argue with Tim and Guido
about that.  Trust me - you would loose.   Arguing about it today is even
more futile.
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